Saturday, 12 July 2014

Welcome to The Promethean Cult

Hello fellow Wargamers. 

Ever since the release of Betrayal in 2012 the idea of a pre heresy army had started to appeal to me, however the idea of turning against the Emperor with a traitor Legion wasn't where I wanted my 30k journey to start. So it was at last Games Day along with the new Massacre book I decided that I was going to start a Salamanders Legion. 

This blog is going to track my progress as I build the mighty Warriors of Nocturne in to a playable army. I will try and cover all stages from modeling to the finished painted minatures, tactics around how I'm building my army list and maybe even some battle reports if I get the chance. 

It's a record for me but I also hope that it serves as inspiration to others to give building a Legion a go yourself. It's a big project, but I've already found it a lot of fun and very rewarding. 

It would also be great to get any feedback and tips from anyone else along the way. 

Eye to Eye, Tooth to Tooth



  1. Great work, Josh. I love the Salamanders and have always been intrigued by a heresy era army. I am currently working on another project on my own blog but the Sons of Vulkan are next on my list. Your minis look top notch!

    1. Thank you Jon, just checked out your blog out and your army is looking great. There is a bit of reading for me to catch up on. I'd like to post more frequently but my time is stretched.

    2. Thanks, Josh. Yeah time is the enemy of us all. Your making good progress though!
